Plastic Surgery in Switzerland
The main service FAVOR offers is organising treatment, which includes :
- Getting to know the client’s problems based on their completed application form and an attached excerpt from his/her medical history (with home physician diagnoses and results of recent examinations).
- Finding a clinic or a doctor to perform an individual program of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.
- Estimating the cost of diagnosis, treatment or rehabilitation and making a pre-payment.
- Organising medical advice or treatment (appointment with a specialist and a reservation at a clinic).
- Supervision and preparation of medical bills, as well as sending them to the client.
- Maintaining contact with medical institutions in Switzerland (telephone conversations with the doctor, organisation of repeated checkups or additional treatment).
Efficiency in organising the trAeatment
The duration of a daily direct flight from Moscow to Geneva is just over three hours, which allows you to organise a medical examination as soon as possible, and is a definite advantage for business people.
The duration of your stay in Switzerland
The duration of your stay in Switzerland depends on the complexity of treatment or surgery. If it is a consultation with a healthcare specialist, the trip can take one day. A complete medical examination can take 2-3 days. An operative treatment usually does not exceed 3-5 days in hospital. In some cases, as early as the second day after surgery, the patient can go home.
The duration of your stay in Switzerland also depends on the type of treatment you have had and whether it requires bed rest in the hospital or to be mobile. In the latter case, FAVOR will organise a comfortable hotel for the required period of time.
Determination of the cost of treatment
The cost of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in Switzerland is determined individually, and depends on the type of diagnosis and treatment and its duration. Other factors include the type of medical facility required and the customer’s individual needs. For example, a complete diagnosis can cost from 3500 Swiss francs and expert advice from 250 Swiss francs. For the organisation of treatment and additional administrative services FAVOR charges an hourly fee depending on the scope of the services rendered.
Payment for treatment
Swiss clinics accept foreign patients solely on the condition of full pre-payment. To book a consultation with a specialist, or for a treatment to be carried out, the client or the organisation representing his/her interests transfers a deposit to the medical facility’s account or to FAVOR. FAVOR, in turn, sends the information to the client about the time and the place of the treatment, as well as an invitation from the medical institution and a reservation at a hotel if it is paid for in advance.
Guarantees provided by FAVOR
If the actual cost of treatment exceeds the amount of the client’s pre-paid deposit, FAVOR acts as a guarantor to the medical institution to provide a deferral for extra payment until the customer returns home. If the cost of treatment is less than the pre-paid deposit, the unspent funds will be reimbursed to the client.

Efficiency in organising the trAeatment
The duration of a daily direct flight from Moscow to Geneva is just over three hours, which allows you to organise a medical examination as soon as possible, and is a definite advantage for business people.
The duration of your stay in Switzerland
The duration of your stay in Switzerland depends on the complexity of treatment or surgery. If it is a consultation with a healthcare specialist, the trip can take one day. A complete medical examination can take 2-3 days. An operative treatment usually does not exceed 3-5 days in hospital. In some cases, as early as the second day after surgery, the patient can go home.
The duration of your stay in Switzerland also depends on the type of treatment you have had and whether it requires bed rest in the hospital or to be mobile. In the latter case, FAVOR will organise a comfortable hotel for the required period of time.
Determination of the cost of treatment
The cost of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in Switzerland is determined individually, and depends on the type of diagnosis and treatment and its duration. Other factors include the type of medical facility required and the customer’s individual needs. For example, a complete diagnosis can cost from 3500 Swiss francs and expert advice from 250 Swiss francs. For the organisation of treatment and additional administrative services FAVOR charges an hourly fee depending on the scope of the services rendered.
Payment for treatment
Swiss clinics accept foreign patients solely on the condition of full pre-payment. To book a consultation with a specialist, or for a treatment to be carried out, the client or the organisation representing his/her interests transfers a deposit to the medical facility’s account or to FAVOR. FAVOR, in turn, sends the information to the client about the time and the place of the treatment, as well as an invitation from the medical institution and a reservation at a hotel if it is paid for in advance.
Guarantees provided by FAVOR
If the actual cost of treatment exceeds the amount of the client’s pre-paid deposit, FAVOR acts as a guarantor to the medical institution to provide a deferral for extra payment until the customer returns home. If the cost of treatment is less than the pre-paid deposit, the unspent funds will be reimbursed to the client.